Justice 4 Housing

Keith McInnes

Director of Programs


Keith McInnes, ScD, MS (he / his) is the Director of Programs at Justice 4 Housing. Keith is dedicated to serving the needs of underserved populations in the US and abroad. He began his career assessing the consequences of traumatic life events among Cambodian and Croatian populations affected by violence and war. Later he focused on access to health care and high-quality services for persons with HIV, incarceration experience, and homelessness. His work has included evaluations of quality of care in Ryan White funded health clinics, assessment of US military veterans’ access to hepatitis C medications, and use by low-income populations of digital tools to connect with health care clinicians.

Prior to joining Justice 4 Housing, he developed a peer-support initiative to guide community reintegration for veterans released from incarceration. His pilot work in Massachusetts secured federal funding, allowing the program to expand to five additional states. Dr. McInnes’ training is in public health and social behaviors. He is a faculty member at the Boston University School of Public Health and has published over 75 articles in academic journals, including many on the topics of housing, homelessness, and prison reentry support.

