Justice 4 Housing

We are the Champions of Change!

Redefining Reentry through family reunification and homeownership.

A safe and stable home is key to a successful reentry.

Check out our latest Op-Ed: Housing is a Human Right: The Urgent Need to Reinstate HUD’s Proposed Rules

Keys in Hand

Stable Housing & Reintegration Program

The SHARP program provides permanent housing, stabilization and wrap-around services.

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Hands on Defense (HOD)

The HOD program provides legal advocacy support for individuals impacted by the justice system who face barriers to obtain stable housing.

FFHR On Table

The Far From Home Report

The FFHR (what we refer to as "Our Bible") outlines our 12 policy recommendations for housing justice!

Our Mission

Justice 4 Housing is a grassroots organization committed to ending housing discrimination and homelessness for individuals impacted by incarceration and those criminalized for being victims of domestic violence, as well as ending incarceration.

What We Do

We provide housing and family reunification for Justice-Impacted Individuals (JIIs) through policy, advocacy and service.

We use policy to change laws, & create systemic change.

We use advocacy to lift up the voices of our constituents, and we use their voices to educate those who oppose us and those who don’t understand us.

We use service to provide a critical resource—housing—thus creating a pathway to generational wealth and equity.

Justice-Impacted Individuals (JIIs) are those affected by interactions with the criminal justice system. Such encounters, whether arrests, incarceration, dropped charges, or other experiences, can significantly limit opportunities for individuals, particularly in securing housing.


Hear From Us!