Justice 4 Housing

Danny's Continuum of Care

A Transitional and Rapid Rehousing Program for survivors of domestic violence.

In Brie & Danny’s memory, we dedicate our services to every woman who has lost children to gun violence.

Two mothers, founder of Justice 4 Housing, Leslie Credle and founder of We Are Better Together, Ruth Rollins, are both survivors of gun violence. Turning their pain into purpose, they have founded the Danny’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program, in loving memory of their children, Brie & Danny. The CoC program provides Transitional and Rapid Re-Housing to survivors of domestic violence.

This initiative marks the beginning of a powerful partnership. Ruth Rollins, a leader in healing from violence in all its forms, and Leslie, a leader in housing justice, stand together in solidarity with survivors, ensuring they have access to stable housing and a path forward.

For the past three years, Justice 4 Housing has fought tirelessly to break down systemic barriers and pioneer innovative housing solutions. Now, as an official Massachusetts CoC Program, we are taking the next step in dismantling the criminalization of domestic violence—because no survivor should be punished for their survival. Far too often, women who defend themselves against abuse are vilified and criminalized.

The Champion of Change, Justice 4 Housing, is proud to join the Massachusetts Continuum of Care (CoC) Program—a milestone made possible through the support of the City of Boston’s Mayor’s Office of Housing.

Special thanks to Katie Cahill-Holloway and Allison Singer for welcoming us into this critical initiative.