Justice 4 Housing


The Hands On Defense (HOD) Network is an organizing framework that expands the capacity of the HOD Program to assist constituents across the state. Member organizations provide the same services as Justice 4 Housing.

Member organizations have certified individuals that will assist clients throughout the appeals process, including attending hearings.

Certifications are renewed on an annual basis to ensure that all individuals and organizations in the HOD Network continue to meet Justice 4 Housing’s standards of excellence.

Becoming a Member

HOD Network Membership includes:

For more information about the membership process and to join the network, sign up using the button below.

Become a Supporter

Support our Hands on Defense (HOD) Network, which expands our legal advocacy across the state.

Your contribution helps certified member organizations assist clients through the appeals process. We appreciate any support!

Hands On Defense Network Members

Hands On Defense Network Sponsors